In compliance with the obligations established by the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties, we make available to you our privacy notice, through which we inform you of the treatment we will give to your personal, work and sensitive data, when they are collected and/or used and/or stored by IXA LEGAL S. C. (hereinafter IXA LEGAL) who has his address at Boulevard Marina Mazatlán 2302 – local 48- Marina Mazatlán, Zip Code 82102, Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
The personal and sensitive data that we will collect will be from prospects, customers, suppliers, workers and any third party with whom IXA LEGAL has commercial or employment relationships, with the sole purpose of providing professional services in legal matters.
IXA LEGAL will collect personal, work and sensitive data personally or directly by any electronic means, cameras, optical, sound, visual, or through any other technology.
IXA LEGAL has the possibility of obtaining personal, work and sensitive data through third parties and other sources permitted by the aforementioned Law, in order to carry out the activities for the aforementioned purposes.
IXA LEGAL, among others, may require the following personal data:
1. Identification data.
2. Full name.
3. Address, home phone, cell phone and/or work number.
4. E-mail.
5. Federal Taxpayer Registry (R.F.C.).
6. C.U.R.P.
7. Voter Credential.
8. Place and date of birth, age, nationality, marital status, among others.
IXA LEGAL, among others, may require the following work data:
1. Occupation or position.
2. Area or department.
3. Tax domicile.
4. Office telephone.
5. Work email.
6. Work references.
IXA LEGAL may collect financial data such as bank account data.
All Personal, work and sensitive Data provided to IXA LEGAL will be considered confidential information and will not be disclosed to third parties without the consent of its Owner; an obligation that will subsist even though the owner of said information has terminated his or her relationship with IXA LEGAL.
The owner, by himself or through a duly accredited legal representative, may exercise his rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition (ARCO) over his personal and sensitive data, as well as to oppose the processing of these or revoke the consent that he has granted us for this purpose, by submitting his request through writing addressed to IXA LEGAL at the following email: CONTACTO@IXA.COM.MX, or by submitting such a request in writing to the address listed above.
At IXA LEGAL we reserve the right to modify this privacy notice in case there are reforms or modifications to the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Private Parties.
In the event of the above, IXA LEGAL will inform you by making the corresponding privacy notice available to you.
669 218 5740
669 913 2822
669 177 0533
669 177 0534
Blvd. Marina Mazatlán #2302
L-48, Plaza Marina. C.P. 82103
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
09:00 a 17:30