Punctuality   |   Honesty   |   Responsibility

Punctuality   |   Honesty   |   Responsibility

Punctuality   |   Honesty   |   Responsibility

We are a firm specialized in commercial, civil, agrarian, and amparo litigation, Also well provide corporate services.
We have a team of 07 lawyers, specialized in our practice areas.
Iván de Jesús López Aguayo.
Degree in Law from the Autonomous University of Sinaloa.
Master's Degree in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law from the Carbonell Study Center.
Laura Alicia Aranda Franco.
Degree in Law from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey Campus.
Master's Degree in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law from the Carbonell Study Center.
Our achievements

We have won the 100% of the trials against financial institutions based on illegal charges and against CFE based on illegal settings and compensations.

We stopped the noise pollution caused by a national company, that affected entire families for years.

We have secured real estate transactions valuated in more than
$500,000,000.00 Mexican pesos.

We gained control of the management of a condominium of approximately 200 Private Units, in favor of the owners.

We recovered the share control of a company for the founding partners.

We defended a business group by paralyzing abusive legal actions.

We obtained compensation for our clients from a 20-level real estate project based on hidden defects.

We successfully defended a local business group from abusive legal actions against them.

We successfully advise foreigners in their operations in national territory.


669 218 5740
669 913 2822
669 177 0533
669 177 0534


Blvd. Marina Mazatlán #2302
L-48, Plaza Marina. C.P. 82103
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.


Office hours

09:00 a 17:30